Benny the Snitch

Eventually everyone comes to good ole Benny for help. ‘Ere’s what I know.

▸ I can't solve the note found in Joe's pocket?

Aaron from IT wrote a coded note to Joe. The name of The Amazing Race episode was "Uglier than a mud rail fence." Rail Fence were the missing words, which is the name of the cipher used to code the note. The number 3 was the key to use for the cipher.

So using a Rail Fence cipher with a key of 3, the note reads:

"Mr C. I looked into your query and your suspicions are correct. JC is stealing money from the company. They didn’t try too hard to hide it either. Looks like at least fifty thousand in the last year. Do you want me to dig deeper and find out the exact amount? A"

▸ I can't figure out what sides Joe ate at the family dinner?

Joe had carrots and beans.

▸ I can't solve the Family Dinner Seating Puzzle, what's the answer?

Click here to get the solution. You can't unsee what I'm about to show you.

▸ I can't solve the Murder Weapon puzzle, what's the answer?

Click here to get the full solution. Be warned... there are spoilers!

▸ I can't solve the Vending Machine Puzzle, what's the answer?

Click here to get the solution. This is top secret ya know.

▸ I've poured over all the clues and I still can't figure it out. Help me, Benny!

Two suspects were unaccounted for at the time of the murder, and ony one of 'em had the candy bar whose wrapper was found in the room (see the vending machine puzzle).

▸ I'm not sure I'm finding everything in the database!

These are the kindsa keywords ya should search for:

  • Names - victims, suspects, and other people who're mentioned.
  • Places.
  • Things mentioned that are specific to a case... ask yourself why a suspect might have told Jimmy a certain thing if it seems random.

▸ What else do you know?

I know I tell ya this all the time, but let me tell ya again. A murderer always needs three things… opportunity, means, and motive. If someone don't have one of 'em, they probably ain't guilty.

Make a timeline if ya get stuck. Can’t hurt to know who was where and when, now can it?